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Welcome to the website of

Icheon City Council

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Welcome, citizens of Icheon, to the city council.

정종철 의장

We are all going through difficult times due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but these are the times when local governments need to make the best use of their capabilities, and serve as a firm root for the country.

The local governments are the roots of Korea, and the roots of Icheon are its citizens. The nine members of the Icheon city council draw their strength from the inspiration that is our citizens, from what we see and hear in their words and actions.

The council members will become your eyes, ears and mouths, and see what you see, hear what you hear, and speak on your behalf. That is the duty that you have entrusted us with.

The Icheon city council website reports to the citizens the status of council duties as well as how the council uses the authority it was entrusted with. It needs to be easy to access, universal, and the council activities need to be made public quickly and fairly. In other words, your ‘right to know’ needs to be guaranteed. The Icheon city council will work hard to have the details of the council activities made known without any alteration.

All the doors of Icheon city council are open. The nine council members are ready to listen to you at all times. As such, we ask for your valuable opinions.

Kim Ha-sik, Chairman of Icheon city council